MOE Tutorials (Based upon Approved Document B 2006
Adequate means of escape (MOE) in the event of a fire is of fundamental importance to any building that is occupied by people.
Listed below is a series of training tutorials which we have designed to help students and trainees gain a better understanding of the requirements given in Approved Document Part B: 2006.
The series of tutorials starts with the basic means of escape requirements for single-family dwelling houses and steadily considers more complex types of building as the student gains increased knowledge.
We have divided each tutorial into two parts having questions and answers, it is hoped that students will work through the questions by referring to the Approved Document Part B and relevant British Standards then check their work against the model answers.
The model answers are available for a small fee (£1.00 for each block of five answers). Maintaining a website does cost money, by introducing a small donation will help us ensure that this site can be maintained.
To complement the series of tutorials we have suggested that occasional projects and tests are undertaken to help build up the students confidence and knowledge.
MOE Tutorial Descriptions
Tutorial 1 - New Single-family dwelling (two storeys).
MOE Tutorial 01 SFD up to 4.5 Q.pdf
Tutorial 2 - New Single-family dwelling (two storeys, Ground and basement).
MOE Tutorial 02 SFD one storey over 4.5 up to 7.5 Q.pdf
Tutorial 3 - New Single-family dwelling (three storeys, Ground and basement).
MOE Tutorial 03 SFD over 7.5 Q.pdf
Tutorial 4 - New Single family dwelling (three storeys, Ground and basement) with dual Ground floor exit.
MOE Tutorial 04 SFD over 7.5 Q.pdf
Tutorial 5 - Loft conversion in single-family dwelling.
MOE Tutorial 05 Loft conversion Q.pdf
Tutorial 6 - Provisions for flats and maisonettes with a floor more than 4.5m above ground level.
MOE Tutorial 06 Flats layout 1 Q.pdf
Tutorial 7 - Flat having an alternative exit.
MOE Tutorial 07 Flats layout 2 Q.pdf
Tutorial 8 - New Flats (Four storeys, Third, Second, First, Ground and basement).
MOE Tutorial 08 Flats 4 stories Q.pdf
Tutorial 9 - Small Premises Two storeys - Shop use.
MOE Tutorial 09 Small premises Two storey Shop Q.pdf
Tutorial 10 - Small Office Premises consisting of three storeys having a single stair.
MOE Tutorial 10 Small offices 3 storeys Q.pdf
Tutorial 11 - Small Premises Three stories - Office use 280m2.
MOE Tutorial 11 Small offices 3 stories Q.pdf
Tutorial 12 - Flats 4 storeys with more than 2 flats per floor.
MOE Tutorial 12 Flats 4 stories Q.pdf
Tutorial 13 - Loft conversion in single-family dwelling.
MOE Tutorial 13 Small Premises 3 storey shop Q.pdf
Tutorial 14 - New Flats (Four stories, Third, Second, First, Ground and basement) Services (Gas and Electric).
MOE Tutorial 14 Services Flats 4 storeys Q.pdf
Tutorial 15 - Loft conversion in single-family dwelling.
MOE Tutorial 15 Small Premises 2 storey shop Q.pdf
Tutorial 16 - Small Premises Three storey – Shop use.
MOE Tutorial 16 Loft conversion 2 Q.pdf
Project 1 - This project has been set with a view to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the use of glass for fire safety within construction.
Project 2 - This project has been set with a view to enhance the knowledge, requirements and importance of adequate fire signage required for fire safety in and about buildings.
Answers to Tutorials 1-5 ------ £1.00
Answers to Tutorials 6-10 ------ £1.00
Answers to Tutorials 11-16 ------ £1.00